Book Review: Make it Last

In the middle of this time of preparation for the following opportunities I read a new book that may be one of the most strategic and empowering tools that helps answer this question. The book is appropriately titled, “Make It Last: Proven Principles for Effective Student Ministry” by Jeff Lovingood and published by NavPress.
Make no mistake, this book is the perfect book for every youth pastor, youth worker or Para church leader who wants to reach and keep this millennial generation. Since the author, my good friend Jeff Lovingood, is such a dynamic leader and motivator for parents, coaches and leaders his principles apply to anyone who wants to make their life and work last.
Its long been said that vision is the single greatest leadership trait that one can possess. So understandably that’s where this book starts. It talks about how to create a culture, how to build meaningful and lasting relationships and how to celebrate the victories that the Lord has given.
I have met professional athletes and dozens of people in the ministry and successful business people who grew up in one of Jeff’s youth groups and Ive been privileged to speak to many of the thousands that he presently ministers to on a weekly basis.
So, my thought for the day is the title of his book. Start from the inside and work out and get a fresh vision to make it last. I have written, in my very first Bible, these three words that were burned into my DNA at the beginning of my call. I share it with you.
Make it last.
By Dr. Jay Strack
President, Student Leadership University