Meeting Rules
One of the great challenges that leaders will often face is the ability to facilitate an environment that will yield the maximum capacity from a team. Whether it is an athletic team, student body government, or a student leadership team at a church. Whatever the function and purpose of the team there will always be […]
Read More12 Leadership Decisions for 2012
I seriously think resolutions are overrated, underwhelming, and usually a bit self-centered. If anything the term resolution has been diluted to the point that resolve has been replaced with half-hearted hope that has failed before ever leaving the starting gate. I am big on goal setting and decision-making, as it seems these two disciplines yield […]
Read Moresmall enough…BIG ENOUGH
Each year it seems like Christmas comes rushing at us like the Polar Express. Before we were ever able to focus on its true meaning and significanceits gone and we are off to another year. In an effort to guard my own heart from the white noise of what doesnt matter I have started meditate […]
Read MoreThe Platinum Rule
No doubt you have heard before about the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12) I want to also share with you the power of the Platinum Rule, found in Matthew 7:7: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and […]
Read MoreCompassion at Christmas
It is beyond rare that I would ever ask anything that involved finances of those who subscribe to or read this blog. Yet this time of year when we are all making lists, buying presents and attending Christmas parties I was hoping to turn your attention to something very close to the heart of God: […]
Read MoreA Red Letter Brand part 4
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7There is a kind of love only found in those regenerated by Christ. Because the believer has been saved and therefore knows God, he or she should therefore demonstrate love, and […]
Read MoreA Red Letter Brand part 3
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you read Matthew 6:14-15The significance of these verses is directly tied to a portion of The Lords Prayer (read 6:7-13) when Jesus says, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (12). Jesus offers commentary on the forgiveness […]
Read MoreA Red Letter Brand part 2
Give, and it will be given to you. Read Luke 6:37-38The above verse comes at the tale end of a section of one of Jesus most important sermons focused on Christian love and charity (6:27-38). It is interesting that Jesus standard regarding our disposition and actions towards our enemies, and others, is like is His […]
Read MoreA Red Letter Brand part 1
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35I heard a wise man once say, You show me someone wrapped up in themselves and I will show you a pretty small package. In Acts 20:35 Paul is concluding his message to the Ephesian elders, after which he will depart for Jerusalem and never […]
Read MoreVideo: Dont Sleep Through November
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