Thoughts While Pounding the Pavement
I try to run several miles three to four times a week and once a year my wife and I have committed to run a marathon. I do this not because I enjoy running like so many I pass on the trail or see at the races. You know the ones who think Steve Prefontaine […]
Read MoreVideo: Fighting the Dip
By Dr. Jay Strack Check out more SLU videos on Vimeo Follow SLU on twitter
Read MoreFootball and the Mission of God
Mission is not just one of a list of things that the Bible happens to talk about, only a bit more urgently than some. Mission is, in that much-abused phrase, what its all about. Our mission (if it is biblically informed and validated) means our committed participation as Gods people, at Gods invitation and command, […]
Read MoreAre ‘Disciple’ and ‘Leader’ Synonymous?
It is a curious question and one that I have wrestled with for sometime now. It is also an important question because the words or terms we often use carry with them significant meaning based on deeply held convictions. Therefore if one uses the wrong words one can communicate the wrong message, and communicating the […]
Read MoreExclusive Youth Pastor Summit
Youth Pastor Exclusive from SLU on Vimeo. Brent Crowe, Vice President of Student Leadership University inviting youth pastors to join SLU for an Exclusive Youth Pastor Summit on September 29, 20119:00-11:30am atiamslu.com
Read MoreRemedy…cure for the common part 4
How to Think, Dream and Lead like Jesus (part 3) To Timothy, my beloved son 2 Timothy 1:1A tour de force through the last will and testament of an old leader to a younger oneThis week is the final installment of the blog series: Remedythe cure for the common: How to Think, Dream and Lead […]
Read MoreRemedy…the cure for the common part 3
How to Think, Dream and Lead like Jesus (part 3) To Timothy, my beloved son 2 Timothy 1:1 A tour de force through the last will and testament of an old leader to a younger oneEvery once in a while there are those who question: Why such an emphasis on leadership? It is, after all, […]
Read MoreRemedy:the cure for the common part 2
How to Think, Dream and Lead like Jesus (part 2)All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open […]
Read MoreRemedy: The Cure For The Common Part 1
Remedythe cure for the commonHow to Think, Dream, and Lead like Jesus (part 1)Over the next several months, Leadership Rocks will embark on its fifth year of helping students experience the reality that Leadership Begins at the feet of Jesus. One of my favorite aspects of the preparatory stages is fleshing out the theme, rather […]
Read MoreSpiritual Giants: The Life of John Wesley part 2
The man had a worldwide reputation and shook the streets of England for the glory of God. It is never healthy to emphasize one historical character too much, but it is hard to imagine our Christian heritage these last few hundred years absent of this spiritual giant. Dr. Lewis Drummond concluded this from Wesleys movement, […]
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