Spiritual Giants: The Life of John Wesley Part 1
This past summer of Student Leadership University was amazing. Students from all over the country, at different places in their leadership development journey, continued to delve deeper into what it means to think, dream, and lead. One of the highlights of the summer for me was teaching on the life and leadership of John Wesley […]
Read MoreSLU 301 picture contest
The winner of the SLU 301 picture contest is, Mikaela Diel from Long Hollow Baptist Church. Heres her picture:11 People in a London Phone BoothYou can see all the pictures from the SLU 301 photo contest on ourfacebook page.
Read MoreLincoln the “Prince of Recovery”
Few figures in American history cast a shadow as significant as Abraham Lincoln. Very few have faced as many obstacles or as much opposition as this humble man and yet he is considered by virtually everyone as Americas greatest President. I want us to take a few moments and not only ask ourselves if we […]
Read MoreA Conversation with Pat Williams
Pat Williams is the senior vice president of the Orlando Magic. As one of Americas top motivational, inspirational, and humorous speakers, he has addressed thousands of executives in organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies and national associations to universities andnon-profits. Pat is also the author of over fty books and hosts three weekly radio […]
Read MoreSomething Greater than Escaping
I ran back to my hut to collect all my possessions: my food bowl, a pair of torn mittens inherited from a dead typhus patient, and a few scraps of paper covered with shorthand notes (on which, as I mentioned before, I had started to reconstruct the manuscript which I lost at Auschwitz). I made […]
Read MoreThis Isn’t Rocket Surgery: 5 Books Every Youth Pastor Must Read by: Dr. Jay Strack
During a recent SLU a young man gave me what I think was a great compliment, Your sessions this week have shown me that this isnt rocket surgery, even I can be a leader. Well, I had to agree it wasnt rocket surgery. In fact, Ive never heard the term, and I remember thinking that […]
Read MoreFive Books Any Student Should Read by Brent Crowe
Five Books Any Student Should Read by Brent Crowe from SLU on Vimeo. Brent Crowe, Vice President Student Leadership University, shares his top five books any student leader should read especially in preparation for SLU 101.
Read More“Man, that dude needs Preparation H” by Dr. Jay
I awoke this Monday morning with a bad case of the cold sweats. Now for my longtime friends, no, Im not having a flashback, nor am I recovering from a bad weekend of imbibing. (For the record, its been 40 years since Ive lived wasted days and wasted night.) PTL. Nor were my cold sweats […]
Read MoreLeading through a Tsunami of Emotions
Leading through a Tsunami of Emotions from SLU.
Read MoreThe Essential Drucker on effective leadership – by Brent Crowe
Peter Drucker was one of the most influential and prophetic writers and thinkers on management and leadership in business over the last century. Drucker is to business what Michael Jordan is to basketball, Mickey Mantle is to baseball, and Pele is to soccer. In short, his impact and influence has been held in such high […]
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