Ode to the Oddballs

Ode to the Oddballs
Lost in a crowd
Alone in a conversation
Inside the glass, yet on the outside looking in
You know who you are
With your metaphoric Mad Hatter hats
Born with those over-sized ears
That insane sense of optimism though you have short-term memory loss
The desire to blow that trumpet through those alligator teeth
That awesome mis-match sense of style
Finding humor in the obviously overlooked places of this world
Discovering beauty among the discarded leftovers
Cultivating virtuoso talent just beneath that quirky veneer
Oddball you are, oddball you should embrace
For it is not a hinderance nor handicap
You see…oddballs change the world
That is if they don’t allow their unconventional prism to become a prison
If they don’t let their peculiarity become their insecurity
It is time to discover your oddity as your commodity
For there is glory in your goofiness
There is genius in your odd-giftedness
You may be offbeat but you are on point
You are what happens when God lets the bizarre showcase His brilliance
Through your uncanniness you display His creativity
Never lose sight that your strange is sacred
Your peculiarity is predestined
So that you may prove His power
Oh, how God excels in showcasing the eccentric
The world needs to see you soar
Feather in trunk
Surprise the tent full of people who expect nothing but a cheap laugh
Turn the narrative on its head
Because their expectations cannot determine your destination
You were meant to fly
You were meant to surprise
You were meant to amaze
You were meant to accomplish
Hence grow not weary in your weirdness
For In the end what others call weird, God calls wonderful
What others see as out of place, God sees as His own
What others believe dysfunctional, God has designed
What others stereotype as curious, God knows is created
Stand proud oddball!!
Embrace what others misunderstand
Because the oddballs are in His hand
Peculiarly positioned to fulfill the highest good
Strangely gifted to show what should