The Supporting Cast: Elizabeth.The Mentor to Mary

There is often a great deal of attention given to the main characters at the heart of the Christmas story: Mary, Joseph and, of course, Jesus. It makes perfect sense doesnt it? An engaged couple from the back-side-of-nowhere parent the Son of God and cant even get a hotel room for Mary to give birth in a somewhat sanitary environment. The story has an insane-with-anger king who wants to kill the child and leaders from his own administration who worship the child. I mean what about this doesnt capture the imagination?!? It has been told and retold through the ages; it is the story that never gets old with the passing of time. Over the next few weeks we will focus on the supporting cast surrounding the greatest story ever told. Those characters that are often referenced but rarely described. We begin with Elizabeth.
Imagine giving birth to John the Baptist. It probably took a lifetime just to get ready. Elizabeths qualifications are given in one sentence: righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless (Luke 1:6). Apparently, that was enough for the Lord choose her. When the angel came to Mary and foretold the birth of Christ, he also told her Elizabeth’s pregnancy as anencouragement for her to believe that “With God nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37). Immediately, Mary rushed to see Elizabeth. Mary needed a trustworthy person who could understand this leap of faith and who could encourage her. If you read through their meeting (Luke 2) then you will note the role of the mentor displayed in these verses:
- Have a reputation as someone obedient to Scripture, and model that behavior.
- Prepare your heart to listen, not to give advice, and not to judge.
- Grieve together; celebrate together.
- Be an encouragement.
- Keep conversations confidential.
- Share Scripture rather than advice.
Mentors encourage people to think about choices by asking questions like, how will it affect your future? What does the Bible say about that? The goal is to help people make the right decision, not tell them what to do.