What If

In the early morning hours of April 15, 1912, the luxury British steamship called the Titanic began to sink. On April 14, they received six, yes six, warnings of sea ice and yet their captain still ordered their speed to be set at a staggering 22 knots. It was this speed that prevented them from being able to steer away from the massive iceberg spotted by their lookouts.
Over the years, so much research and so many questions have been asked about this tragedy, but one question stands out with a resounding “what if?”. What if the Titanic had a different captain? Would the outcome have been different? Would history have looked drastically different as the lives that were lost avoided that fate and went on to make their mark in society and culture? We will never know; what we do know is that those kinds of what if questions seldom produce fruitful outcomes. Rather, they tend to fill the questioner with doubt and regret.
So, what if we changed that narrative. Instead of asking “what if?” in reference to how we could have changed the outcome of what has already transpired, why can’t we choose to ask “what if?” with hopeful expectancy as we look towards the future.
What if I take the leap of faith and follow God’s call to go on mission?
What if I open that dream center for at risk children?
What if I start that business?
What if I write that book?
What if I leave my financially sound job and instead take the road less traveled, going where God is sending me?
These what if questions are all future-focused and filled with potential and promise. They don’t look backward but look forward to what can be – if only we choose to go, and do, and try.
So, go ahead. Ask those future-focused, God-directed, faith-filled “what if?” questions and chase that dream, go after that goal, and see what God will do. “What if?” is powerful – we just need to know how to ask it.